
“教育先锋:共建教育未来”将于10月11日举行. 12-14
Individual holds tablet during augmented reality workshop

免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿分校2023年春季学院未来准备学院的一名参与者在活动期间参加了增强现实演示. Individuals in higher education, K-12教育和行业被邀请参加由校园主导的“教育先锋:共同建设未来的教育”会议. 12-14. 

Credit: Rebecca Dietrich

NEW KENSINGTON, Pa. -邀请宾夕法尼亚州西南部的教育工作者和行业成员参加即将举行的会议,会议的目标是区域合作,重点是为学生和个人准备未来的技能奠定基础. “教育先锋:共建未来教育”会议将于10月11日在北京举行. 12-14在蔓越莓镇区域学习联盟. 这项工作是由免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿分校领导的 西南宾夕法尼亚新经济合作组织(SWPANEC), one of 21 federal Build Back Better Regional Challenge (BBBRC) grant awardees.

"As a land-grant institution, 我们认识到,我们的使命是使该地区及其企业和工业受益,这取决于培养高技能人才, well-informed and grounded workers,” said Kevin Snider, chancellor of Penn State New Kensington. “To achieve this, 在过去的几年里,我们一直在与其他大学建立合作关系, K-12 institutions, government and industry.”

即将到来的活动将汇集来自各个领域的杰出人士, corporations, higher education institutions and K-12 school districts, 所有这些都汇聚在一起,塑造了地区劳动力和工业增长的轨迹.

“探索之旅揭示了培养学生成为工业4.0时代富有成效的领导者.0需要一种合作的方式,教育工作者扮演着关键的角色。. “我们的责任是让学生掌握技术作为一种工具,同时确保它能增强我们的人性和自我意识."

该会议旨在为突破性技术及其对工业和社会的深远影响提供门户. 通过促进跨部门和组织的同行之间的协作, attendees will have the chance to explore complexities, 在科技进步的时代,迎难而上,抓住机遇. 

活动日程的预览可以在活动的 informational website. Keynote speakers include Illah Nourbakhsh, the Kavcic-Moura Professor of Robotics, 共享繁荣中心执行主任兼卡内基梅隆大学CREATE实验室主任,他将发表关于人工智能的演讲, humanity and education; Snider, who will present on the role of education in Industry 4.0; Karen Alexander, director of XRConnectED who will speak about the role of immersive technology in industry and education; and E. Michelle Ramsey, 传播艺术与科学及女性学院副教授, gender, 和性研究,她将在人文学科的人工智能主题上发表演讲. 

Featured panel discussions will cover topics including the impact of technology on a variety of business sectors; the state of K-12 education and future readiness; and workforce needs in advanced manufacturing. 与会者还可以选择包括机器人等领域的各种并行会议, technology in health care, STEAM education, community engagement, machine learning and virtual reality. STEAM代表科学、技术、工程、艺术和数学. 

高等教育专业人士也被邀请参加10月9日举行的两场会前研讨会之一. 12. 研讨会的选择包括理解由Camille Dempsey提出的人工智能, an associate professor at PennWest University, or learning about immersive reality with Alexander, director of XRConnectED.

Registration is being offered at no cost thanks to the SWPANEC, funded by a Build Back Better Regional Challenge grant. Registrations are being accepted until Oct. 4 and are accepted via a brief, online form. For full details, visit the conference website. For questions about the conference, contact Shirley Campbell, 免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿分校的教学设计师和会议组织者, at [email protected]

About Penn State New Kensington

Penn State New Kensington is one of 24 campuses that comprise Penn State. Located just 17 miles from the city of Pittsburgh, the campus is nestled on 72 wooded acres of Upper Burrell, Pennsylvania, and is easily accessible from almost anywhere in Allegheny, Armstrong, Butler, Indiana and Westmoreland counties. 免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿分校提供11个学士学位和4个副学士学位, 以及免费mg不朽情缘试玩通过2+2计划开设的几乎所有275多个专业的前两年. 校园继续履行大学的赠地使命,通过其在新肯辛顿市的持续努力,推动经济发展和振兴,并为下一次工业革命的铁锈地带地区做好准备. This work includes its Invent Penn State innovation hub, The Corner, and its digital manufacturing innovation lab, the Digital Foundry at New Kensington.


The Southwestern Pennsylvania New Economy Collaborative 是一个由11个县组成的联盟,旨在申请“重建更美好区域挑战”(BBBRC). 协作包括90多个组织:社区组织, labor unions, educational and research institutions, economic development partners and leaders from the private, public and philanthropic sectors. BBBRC is the marquee program of the U.S. 经济发展局的美国救援计划,以促进经济复苏,重建美国社区.